Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Menu and GUI designs!

Hello, Hello!

Once again I'm happy to share with you all the awesome work we have done since our last post!

As of late Haddy and I took a good look at our GUI and thought of ways to improve it, make it more unique and visually pleasing. So away with the glows! Instead we added more textures to our designs and gave things more of an implied shape. But why simply tell when I can show?

 As you can see we added in the new card design, showing both an open and closed version of it. The cards would cycle as if on a wheel and the one you have open would adjust itself to the center and allow you to view it. Of course we'd allow the card to shift to the center of the screen and enlarge to allow you to easily see the card and read its description.

We also altered the flotilla HUD. Here we added those textures and gave it a more implied form, but the overall design was left untouched.

As for when in combat, there are two flotilla HUDs at the bottom of the screen. Currently they are represented by the Civilian ship and Resource ship, but in the game they would be whatever flotilla isn't currently in combat.
In addition, we added a vessel HUD. This small piece shows the vessels attack, defense and movement values. Any player can check out these values while in combat for any vessel, so you know what you are up against and thus can plan your strategy.

Finally we have another new addition, the "Battle log" and "Reaction button". These are newly designed to allow a player to react to any play in real time. If I set a trap and you wanted to react to it - to, lets say, nulify the effect- you'd hit the react button. It would then slide out the battle log and you'd select the instance in which you'd like to react to. A prompt would appear and ask what would you like to do. You'd play a card as normal while the other player is paused.

While reacting you'd have a set amount of time to make your move. This is to make sure a player doesn't pause your turn then leave for hours while you sit around. Instead they will have 30 seconds to react after selecting the instance they wish to react to.

Lets continue onto another part of the menu system. Let me introduce you to the Main Menu. The start up screen and what you'll be introduced to when beginning Fleet Calamity.

At the top right you once again have your options menu for sound, exiting the game and the like.

Next to the options menu is your 'Binder'. This will show you all the cards you have collected from all factions. It will also have empty spots for all the cards you haven't collected to show how many you still have to go to for those completionists out there.

Below these buttons is the "Begin battle" window. Here you can either find a match or host a match.
Finding a match will pop up the right side window labeled "Find a match". Here you'll be able to choose which opponent to battle. At the top there are several categories to base your decision on. First we have "Faction" which just shows what faction the player is using for their cards. Second is the "Win/Lose" section. This shows how many battles the player has won or lost, obviously. Next is the "Rating". This shows how well the player is liked by the community. This is a section we are still planning out, but basically the idea is that after a match you can either "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" a players. After so many thumbs in either direction their rating would go up or down. If a player is a good sport, plays by the rules, doesn't harass you or anything like that then maybe you'll give them a thumbs up to show appreciation. If they collect so many their rating will turn to "Positive" from "Neutral". If the player harasses you by constantly reacting to everything you do, but doesn't play anything, or cheats in some manner, or otherwise treats you poorly then you can give a thumbs down and eventually their rating would turn to "Negative". However, you don't have to rate people if you don't wish to. It's all optional.
And finally, of course, there is ping.

Next we have the Host a match section of "Begin battle". This will allow you to host a private match with your friend or a public match to allow you to wait for some one to join you in a game.

Then we have the "Deck editor" window. This allows you to build a new deck from scratch, open a deck you have saved or delete a deck you have saved.  Opening or creating a new deck will bring you to the Deck Editor, while deleting will keep you at the Main Menu.

Lastly at the very bottom of the screen there is a news feed which will inform the player of any updates, bug fixes, additions, or whatever the case may be. To the left of the news feed the current date will be displayed.

That should sum up the majority of what we've been working on. We've also had a few meetings discussing card and making sure they fit the games ideas, moods and direction the best they can while also being interesting, easy to understand and make the game even more fun. And of course we've been on the look out for more 2D artists to help with the card art. If you know any one who might be interested in helping us make card art, please send em our way.

Don't forget to follow us on twitter @HalfHeartGames or like us on facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/FleetCalamity
We'd be happy to hear from you!

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