Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Devblog - A focus on refining the GUI

Hello Calamitors!

Well, hope you guys are having a great week. This last week I've been down sick (thanks random person at the store coming to share your sickness with the world), so my update last week didn't happen, because my work didn't happen!

As Matthew and I work together, we gain focus and clarity on what needs to change and improve for the game... we've worked on some new styling and have come up with some better visuals for the game. As always, with any rework, means more rework on the development side!  I have started implementing a new home menu screen, utilizing some of the new designs Matthew and I worked together on. Here's a screenshot of the home screen as it stands... still working getting all the other elements imported and implemented (not a high priority right now):

On the bottom, you can see update text, this will scroll as the game has new announcements available from the development team. Other interfaces  will be implemented here for navigating the decks, entering games, etc.

In other news, we've revised a bunch of the GUI for in-game, it looks a ton better, but takes time to revise as some of the sizing and positioning changed a bit. As you can see below, a lot has changed, but a lot has improved as well:

There are still things that need to be accomplished to finish the update to the interface, but a lot of the tedious stuff is out of the way! There's also the addition of the battle log area that will be utilized for text based logging, tutorials and actionable battle items to allow further clarity and information displayed to the user. With this update, the Flotilla GUI actually has been broken apart, so now I can implement custom GUI's for each ship, verses just a generic one across all Flotilla.

The next thing I will be focusing on is the rest of the players turn as the interface responds to his/her actions, then it will be on to getting cards performing actions during the turn (placing traps, etc). Got a lot to accomplish if we want to have a playable version next month!


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